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Amusement Solutions Launches New Products

Amusement Solutions Launches New Products
Amusement Solutions Launches New Products
Responding to the demands of arcade owners and amusement game route operators, Amusement Solutions launched two new products, called "GateKeyper" & "DataTrieve." Both products are designed to help arcade owners and route operators reduce expenses, improve operating efficiencies and obtain more reliable cash controls and game data.

The Gatekeyper(pictured left) uses a smart chip placed on a plastic key, and is designed to help eliminate the costs associated with token theft, token jams and token pulls. It also significantly reduces labor costs associated with game readings and collections, and its enhanced cash controls provide both improved game pricing flexibility and greater employee accountability for money collected. Since GateKeyper requires no special computer equipment or cabling, it is easy to install and service.

DataTrieve Utilizing state-of-the-art processor chips placed on a very small board that is easily installed in a game, DataTrieve is designed to lower labor costs to obtain game meter and redemption ticket readings. By using infrared technology via a handheld personal digital assistant, DataTrieve eliminates manual entries and provides for more accurate recording of game readings without opening the game. Its enhanced cash controls provide for greater employee accountability for money collected and for revenue sharing payouts. The time savings obtained through the use of DataTrieve will significantly reduce labor costs to obtain game readings.

DataTrieve exports game data directly into the most commonly used route management software utilized by route operators. It is compatible with the Palm Pilot and Windows Pocket PC devices. DataTrieve will be available for Spring 2002 delivery.


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