The Tokyo-based company has appointed Kyushiro Takagi, Namco's vice president, to be the new president, replacing incumbent Masaya Nakamura. The move will be effective May 1, Namco said. Nakamura, who holds the dual roles of Namco's president and chairman, will remain as the chairman.
Namco and Nintendo, along with Sega Corp., are together developing a board with software to control arcade game machines based on technology used in Nintendo's GameCube video-game console. Sega and Nintendo said they will jointly make a racing game both for the game machine and for arcade game machines. Analysts said Namco's alliance with Nintendo may also extend to game design.
Namco is planning to develop video-game software that is available both for the GameCube console and arcade game machines, said Yuko Tsukui, a Namco spokesman. Even so, the company has no specific game titles or sales dates to announce, she said.
SOURCE: Bloomerg.COM
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