Classic gamers, coming from far away places like Pennsylvania, Alberta Province, Florida, California, Chicago and even Australia, met in New Hampshire to crown the "kings" of classic gaming at the recent 2nd Classic Video Game World Championship and Funspot-Twin Galaxies Classic tournaments.
While a classic rivalry for the grand title was renewed between Dwayne Richard of Canada and Donald Hayes of New Hampshire, other players were stepping forward to break records that have stood for 20 years. The full report starts below, penned by Twin Galaxies' illustrious Chief Referee, Robert Mruczek.
In the next few weeks, Twin Galaxies will publish interviews with all the new amazing stars that have surfaced this year, among them Mark Schulz (Monochrome Champ), Laszlo Takacs (Tempest Champ), Greg Bonds (Mappy Champ), Jon Dworkin (Food Fight), Greg Erway (Tapper 5-man), Bryan Wagner (Burgertime Champ), Abdner Ashman (Jr. Pac-Man Champ), David Nelson (Wheels Champ), Zack Hample (Breakout Champ), and you'll meet not one, but two(2) different 2-man teams that are destroying all known records on Wizard of Wor. But, best of all, we'll get full bios on our two high profile competitors -- Dwayne Richard and Donald Hayes -- who almost make it look easy as they outdistance the other players in the standings (except for Jason Cram of Maine, that is). We'll have more on Jason, too, because he may the man to beat in next year's event.
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