- * Countries increased from 32 to 63
- * Stadium increased from 7 to 13
- * Adding reply for "close shot", as well as "goal replay"
- * After the game is finished, it will also show a "close shot replay" as well as the "goal replay"
- * Adding demo scene.
- - When victory
- - Loss vs CPU, draw and continue
- - When CPU match is cleared.
- * Match results of 2 counties will be showed.(The game will show the match results (win, lose, tie, ratio) of the 2 countries chosen by the players. The records will only be from the games play on that certain cabinet.)
- * Originally, 6 items, 3 levels to express the individual football player's ability. In VS2002 this will be 18 items, 10 levels.
- * Added stamina elements
- * Adjustment of the camera view.
- * Uses more polygons compared (the quality to expressed to the player will become higher).
For more information please contact;
Paul Williams
Sales Director
Sega Amusements Europe Ltd
Phone +44 (0) 1372 731820
Fax +44 (0) 1372 731849
E-mail paulw@sega.co.uk.