In an unusual move the Trump Taj Mahal Casino in Atlantic City has installed a new game that has had only limited trialing in the USA. Taj Mahal Vice Chairman Vince Mascio requested that Blackjack Switch, developed by UK based Customised Casino Games, be installed and on 2nd August the game was officially open to the public.
Geoff Hall, Managing Director of Customised Casino Games, commented "We have been encouraged by the response to the game as the table has been full almost all of the time since installation. This is a terrific opportunity for the company because if the player participation continues then The Taj Mahal have plans to install more tables as well as expanding the installations to their sister properties".
Blackjack Switch was developed by Geoff, a semi-professional blackjack player, with a view to offering appeal across all levels of player. The feature of the game is that you play with 2 hands and can "switch" the second cards based on the dealer's face card.
Geoff added "although the casino edge is reduced this is only the case if the player gets the switch right all the time and there are also rules to limit the advantage to the player by switching. We wanted to provide a game that added a fun element to the occasional player but offered the serious player with a challenge to improve their odds against the casino"
The opening of the game has also resulted in a number of other Atlantic City Casino Directors visiting the Taj and expressing great interest in the game. The comments so far have indicated that, following a successful trial, other casinos in Atlantic City will look to add Blackjack Switch to their gaming floors.
Customised Casino Games have also had the game on trial at Harrahs Casino, Kansas City, with a second version installed just last month. Both versions are receiving plenty of interest from all levels of player.
A third version incorporating a brand new feature will be available in early September in time for G2E where Blackjack Switch can be seen at the Customised Casino Games booth. The projected site for this new version is an Indiana casino with more details available closer to the release.
For more information:
visit alternatively contact Geoff Hall at Customised Casino Games on +44 121 604 7453 or