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Pedal power raises £8,000 for charity

Pedal power raises £8,000 for charity
Pedal power raises £8,000 for charity
A range of national and local charities are now £8,000 (€12,750) better off thanks to the efforts of a band of cyclists led by Paul Desforges and his team at Brent Electronic.

The industry pedallers, which included Namco's Gary ‘King of the Beacon' Newman, raised the magnificent sum after completing this year's London to Brighton bike ride. Charities to benefit included the British Heart Foundation, St Raphael's Hospice in Cheam and the Tanglewood Monday Club, which provides a much-needed recreational facility for adults with learning disabilities.

Namco's Sue Flewers, who is a volunteer at the South Harrow based club, explained the importance of the donation: "We receive no funding or grant aid from the state so donations like this make a real difference to the 80 members of the club who range in age from 18 to 76-years-old. It was a fantastic gesture which was really appreciated by everyone at Tanglewood."

Paul Desforges, who completed his third London to Brighton ride on what was his 50th birthday, said: "The riders were a mix of experienced and novice cyclists. Our sales supervisor Lloyd Minto, for example, hadn't been on a bike since his stabilisers were taken off! Whilst we certainly didn't set any time records, the fund raising efforts were truly heroic with much of the money coming from generous contributions made by the industry. The London to Brighton has become a fixture for the team at Brent Electronic and we're all set for next year's epic!"

The industry cyclists comprised Paul Desforges, John Costello, Lloyd Minto (Brent Electronic); Gary Newman (Namco Europe); and Chris Jones (Scott & Jones Communications).


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