Incredible Technologies' Big Buck Hunter II – Sportsman's Paradise is now in its fifth month of National ITS tournaments. Already there are over 1,224 machines online with ITNet and 1,786 card-carrying members of the BBH Hunt Club. One hundred players were awarded prizes in the May "No Does" tournament. The prizes ranged from $1,000 for 1st place to $25. Michael Pfundt of Massachusetts won $750 for his 2nd place finish. "The Big Buck Hunter tournaments are just plain fun," said Pfundt. "I have also started playing in the Hunt Club. I want to set the league records."
Ted Hallson of Minnesota placed 3rd and received $500. "I play Big Buck Hunter frequently," said Hallson. "It's nice to play a game I enjoy and get something back in return."
Matthew Jolly of Texas, who often hunts in real life, enjoys the challenge of Big Buck Hunter II. "I've been involved in all types of gaming: PC, console and arcade games," said Jolly. "Big Buck Hunter is the most challenging game I have found. It's different every time I play, not repetitious like other games. I love playing it!" Jolly placed 11th in the No Does tournament winning $75.
Big Buck Hunter II tournaments run every month from the 8th through the 28th, and it's the perfect complement to Golden Tee Fore! Both games can connect to the same phone line making it fast and easy to get online, and only one ITNet account is necessary.
For more details on Big Buck Hunter II tournaments and prizes, visit Operator Services on the IT website at For more information on Big Buck Hunter II Tournament Edition games, contact your distributor.