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VirTra Systems Announces 360° Fixed-Base Training Simulator

VirTra Systems Announces 360° Fixed-Base Training Simulator
VirTra Systems Announces 360° Fixed-Base Training Simulator
VirTra Systems, Inc. today announced its new fixed-based photorealistic training simulator, the IVR-360™. The new simulator, based upon feedback from the training and simulation market, is a fixed-based product - the second in the company's IVR™ line of 360° training simulators. The IVR line was developed to meet the full range of applications required by Homeland Security and defense customers for situational awareness and judgmental use-of-force training.

"Launch of the IVR-360 marks another significant technological milestone for VirTra Systems as we continue to penetrate the training/simulation market," said Bob Ferris, VirTra Systems' president. "The IVR-360 will be more functional and realistic than custom-built systems costing well in excess of $1 million. Without a headset, the trainee will experience photorealistic video, smell, wind, motion, and even the sensation of being ‘shot' during a simulation."

The IVR-360 employs a completely enclosed, multi-array projection system, rather than a headset, to accomplish 360° scenario delivery, immersing the trainee into a photorealistic, multisensory environment. Currently, most training systems used for situational awareness training employ a single, flat screen offering only a two-dimensional view of the threatening environment.

"Research and dialogue over the past 14 months has shown that the 360°, multisensory concept of the IVR product line will meet the full spectrum of needs required by security related customers such as the Department of Homeland Security," said David Klugh, VirTra Systems' training and simulation director. "The IVR-360 is a natural progression beyond and an ideal complement to our IVR-p™ portable system, and meets the logistical needs of regional or centralized training facilities responsible for large numbers of personnel."

"The military and law enforcement training community has long needed a simulator like the IVR-360 – a system that is capable of producing a seamless 360-degree environment using all of the trainee's peripheral vision, allowing for advanced review and debriefing, and utilizing customized, agency-specific, photorealistic scenarios," said Jerry Long, VirTra Systems' military intelligence sales director.


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