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Valley-Dynamo Releases The Great Eight

Valley-Dynamo Releases The Great Eight

27 Jun, 2003
Valley-Dynamo is pleased to announce the release of their new pool table, The Great Eight, designed to increase quality of play and maximise operator profits.
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Tsunami's New Linkable Air Raid

Tsunami's New Linkable Air Raid

30 Jun, 2003
Tsunami Visual Technologies, Inc. announces the completion of their linkable version of Air Raid – This Is Not A Drill! ™ for the TsuMo™ multi-game motion system.
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Coin-op Concerns - Consorzio Gioco Founded

Coin-op Concerns - Consorzio Gioco Founded

30 Jun, 2003
Consorzio Gioco founded - five Italian companies join forces to face the challenge of the new regulations on coin-op games.
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Interview With Italy's SAPAR Association.

Interview With Italy's SAPAR Association.

1 Jul, 2003
This interview discusses the effects of the 388/00 regulation issued in Italy at the beginning of this year on the country's active amusement market.
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European Operators Organisation Formed

European Operators Organisation Formed

1 Jul, 2003
Last week the Operators Organisation for Europe was formed to deal with issues concerning the European casino gaming industry.
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JPM Releases Firecracker

JPM Releases Firecracker

1 Jul, 2003
This month JPM released the first title designed by their new R&D team, Firecracker - a base game with feature entry.
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KAMEX Expo Coming

KAMEX Expo Coming

2 Jul, 2003
The Korea Amuse World Game Expo 2003 will be held from November 21 to 24 this year at the Pacific Hall in COEX, Seoul, Korea.
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2003 Golden Tee World Championship Announced

2003 Golden Tee World Championship Announced

2 Jul, 2003
During the next five months, players across the globe will be vying for spots on their national teams and the chance to become the next Golden Tee world champion.
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The Stinger Report

The Stinger Report

3 Jul, 2003
*Amusement Factories Summer News *Sammy Still Hungry! *New Classification for Simulation - Soon! *Games Room Design for SEGA AM
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ATEI Overspills to Meet Demand

ATEI Overspills to Meet Demand

4 Jul, 2003
ATEI organisers announced plans today which could see next year's London show expand to include the upper level of Earls Court 1.
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