2001 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | 2003  |
3 Oct, 2002 to 4 Oct, 2002 |
The Slovakia Show is an international exhibition of gaming and entertainment equipment. |
3 Oct, 2002 to 5 Oct, 2002 |
This exhibition project consists of separate specialised exhibitions in amusements and gaming, which are taking part in the same place and on the same dates. The total number of exhibitors will be 150 companies from 20 countries. |
8 Oct, 2002 to 10 Oct, 2002 |
International Leisure Industry Week is an annual event for the entire out-of-home leisure industry. LIW is unique in that it undertakes a fully audited analysis of its audience. |
9 Oct, 2002 to 10 Oct, 2002 |
Preview 2003, now celebrating its 23rd year, is an influential exhibition in the UK Coin-Op business. It is also supported by the UK's leading distributors and manufacturers. This year's show will be held at the Novotel London West on Wednesday the 9th and Thursday the 10th October 2002. |
9 Oct, 2002 to 11 Oct, 2002 |
The Enada trade show will this year celebrate its 30th anniversary. The show will display all the latest Italian amusements from video games, pinball machines, jukeboxes, prize machines, kiddie rides, billiards, monitors and much more. |
17 Oct, 2002 to 18 Oct, 2002 |
The International Forbes Exhibition is a showcase of gaming and amusement equipment, taking place in the Czech Republic. |
2001 | Jan | Feb | Mar | Apr | May | Jun | Jul | Aug | Sep | Oct | Nov | Dec | 2003  |