This Rambo DX Arcade Shooting Machine from Sega brings all the action from the popular movie franchise to life! The game follows the story of the Rambo movies: Rambo First Blood Part 2 and Rambo 3 - allowing players to fulfil their dream of being Rambo.
Gameplay includes a Rage gauge which fills up by defeating your enemies. When the gauge is full, you will become invincible for a short amount of time. The Rage gauge also gives you a temporary power up to your machine gun fire when you press the action button.
All of the action takes place in a Deluxe Cabinet, running on Sega's well-known Lindbergh system. The game uses the same cabinet and gun as the one used in House of the Dead 4, however this deluxe cabinet has been modified for this release and features great graphics and a Rambo marquee sure to grab attention. All the action can be enjoyed on the massive 55 Inch LCD screen!